Guess When We Update?

Monday's and Thursdays! Awesome!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Though it's been fun here for the past 9 months, it was finally time to move on to greener pastures and more actual web sites. So, if you stop here regularly to read my stuff, please follow it to right HERE and you, too, won't miss a thing! See ya there!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

The New Batch No. 14

More hilarious Halloween Hyjinx! Oh, and by the way: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! As of hopefully Monday of next week we will be packing up shop, pulling up stakes, and relocating to RIGHT HERE: That's right! OUR VERY OWN WEB SITE! But don't go yet... well, ya can, but there ain't much to see. Coming real soon though! See ya then!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The New Batch No. 13

Everyone else does their Halloween specials, and so do we. But our's is far cuter. And possibly funnier.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The New Batch No.12

Is this the end of the story? Yep. For now. All NEW and All CREEPY HALLOWEEN comics start NEXT WEEK! WOO-AH-AH-AHHHHH!

Monday, October 5, 2009

The New Batch 11

Hey, it's tough to manipulate that stupid cursor thing! Also, Art is a complete moron... but that's neither here nor there. Yeah, yeah it is.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The New Batch No. 10

Yeah. It's okay to laugh. It IS funny.
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