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Friday, January 30, 2009


Good morning all. As we slam into our third Friday here at S.U., our little counter down there shows another steady increase from last week, and that is great. But you know what? I want more. Though I can only do so much on my own (such as social bookmarkers down there) we would love it if the readers we do have would spread the word or use the banner to link us to your own sites! It's not too much to hope that we could reach 1000 hits by this time next week! I know we can do it and, with my ability to seek out places to pimp our stuff and with a little help from our faithful followers, it should be no problem. Thanks again for all of you who continue to stop by on a daily basis and please, feel free to comment as often as you can: we love that, too! Oh, and about our little quiz down there... well, I honestly don't expect anyone to answer it as it is quite the obscure movie that, though in our libraries, most likely isn't in yours. It's called NECROVILLE and it is worth seeking out if you have the means. One more note before I stop lollygagging, and it's about Sunday's strip. Though it is written already, I may have something up my sleeve to make it just a hair different. We'll just have to see how it goes, but either way, it'll be really cool. Okay, have a great weekend and don't forget to drop by Sunday! Thanks!

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